Jane and PJ were married on a beautiful, sunny day at Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes. This is yet another of my New York-based couples, and since they booked me via phone, we actually didn’t meet until the wedding day. I was delighted that they were both such great people, and couldn’t contain my excitement when I found out that Jane worked at Sesame Street (my favorite childhood show). Jane’s seven bridesmaids wore super-stylish one-shoulder dresses in a gorgeous color that looked so perfect against the blue of the ocean. And speaking of color . . . Jane and PJ’s paebaek outfits were just dazzling. As part of the paebaek, family members throw dates and chestnuts for the bride to catch, and each caught date or chestnut represents a grandchild (or how many children the couple will eventually have). It turns out that Jane is a pretty good catch, so if the paebaek ceremony is to be believed, Jane and PJ are destined to have about 53 children. I don’t seem to have any vendor information handy, so I’ll be back to update this as soon as I can get the info.
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