I’m very proud to have a 12-page interview in the just-out book “Professional Wedding Photography: Techniques & Images from Master Photographers” by Lou Jacobs, Jr. (Amherst Media). In addition to the interview, I have 16 images in the book. Nine other photographers are also profiled, including my good friends Jennifer Dery (one of my favorite friends), Chenin & Doug Boutwell (who throw the best ice cream parties ever), John and Dalisa Cooper (always good for breakfast in Vegas), Jen and Stephen Bebb (who I so wish did not live all the way in Canada), Cliff Mautner (my hero), and George Weir (who was not afraid to drive me all over Lancaster, Pennsylvania, just to find some homemade pie). The Amazon editorial review is below:
Containing interviews with the top 10 wedding studio owners in the country, this indispensable reference offers a variety of opinions on everything from art and business philosophies to scheduling, handling retainers, writing contracts, and executing effective marketing plans. More than 15 images from each pro demonstrate classic and cutting-edge techniques — as well as each photographer’s signature wedding portrait style — and are accompanied by details on recreating the scene. Additional tips on inspiring expressions and moods, modulating lighting, and adjusting composition while keeping clients relaxed during this emotionally-charged event are also included.
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