The Almquist family spends their lives caring for abandonned and neglected wildlife. While living out of a trailer partially held together with duct tape, this loving family managed to care for nine tigers, cougars, bobcats, lynxes, leopards and servals, along with tortoises, alligators and snakes. They get calls from all over the country and do their best to rescue every animal that they can, while their own living situation gets worse and worse.
Thanks to Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, this family will come home (from a vacation in Costa Rica) to a brand-new home and animal sanctuary on Saturday, February 7. Due to previous commitments, I will not be able to be at the unveiling, but I feel honored that my images of the family will be hanging on the walls when they enter their new home. (I am not allowed to post my photos of the family until after the episode airs.)
I am so impressed that EMHE has already gotten a brand-new web site up for the family’s sanctuary. It shows images of all the wild cats and provides information about what it takes to support these beautiful animals. Now that the family and animals will have a new home, visitors will be able to pay a small fee to visit this amazing collection of wildlife in Phelan, California.To see photos of this family’s amazing collection of wildlife and to learn how you can help, check out the just-launched Forever Wild Exotic Animal Sanctuary web site.
The actual episode may not air until April or May, so I’ll be sure to post about it once I know the air date. Meanwhile, if you find yourself in Phelan on Saturday, the “Move That Bus!” reveal is open to anyone who wants to come support the family. The address is 8545 Buttemere Road, Phelan, California 92371. The reveal takes place around 2 p.m., but spectators are encouraged to come at 10 a.m. or 11 a.m.
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