Palmer House Hilton Indian Wedding Photographer
Every so often, color and light combine to create a dimensional landscape that is beautiful by any standard. For this image of a South Indian bride at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, the reflective quality of her sari coupled with the beautiful mendhi or mehendi designs on her hands worked together to create a stunning detail photograph. The way the light, shadow and reflective fabric worked together was truly one in a million. I have tried to replicate this photograph many times, but the unique reflective quality of this particular sari was unique, so the resulting images have never had quite the same combination of light and shadow. This image was actually taken in a hallway, near a window. The white wall across the hall bounced a bit of light back into the image, which kept the bride's shadow side from going too dark. This wedding was published in Chicago Social Brides magazine. South Indian wedding photographed at the Palmer House Hilton in Chiago.Thumbnails (t)
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